Assam Board Exam

Medieval Assam History: From Kamarupa’s Fall to the Rise of the Koches

Medieval Assam witnessed a dynamic shift in power, marked by the decline of the Pala Dynasty and the emergence of various rulers, invasions, and dynasties. Here’s an overview of key events and rulers that shaped Assam’s history during this period:

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1. The Decline of Kamarupa and Rise of the Bhuyans (12th Century)

  • Fall of the Palas: The powerful kingdom of Kamarupa disintegrated, leading to the emergence of local landlords, known as Bhuyans.
  • Bhuyans’ Rise: These officials, previously revenue assessors, assumed political power and behaved as kings.

2. Early Invasions in Assam

2.1 Muhammad-bin-Bakhtiyar Khalji’s Invasion (1205–06)

  • Objective: Bakhtiyar, governor of Bihar under Qutb-ud-din Aibak, aimed to expand his territory eastward, with ambitions of reaching China, Tibet, or Turkestan.
  • Campaign Details:
    • Allied with Ali Mech (first Assamese to get converted into Islam), a converted tribal chief.
    • Entered Kamarupa, likely ruled by King Prithu or Viswasundaradeva.
    • Met with stiff resistance, leading to a disastrous retreat.
    • His army was destroyed, and Bakhtiyar himself escaped but soon died.
  • Kanai Barasi Rock Inscription: Records the defeat of Turks in 1127 Saka (1205 AD).

2.2 Invasion of Ghiyasuddin Iwaz Khalji (1227)

  • Details: Governor of Bengal, Iwaz Khalji, advanced into Assam but retreated due to internal conflicts in Bengal.
  • Outcome: Prithu, the Kamarupa ruler, was killed, and his successor Sandhya was installed as a tributary king by Iwaz’s adversary Nasiruddin.

2.3 Tughril Khan’s Expedition (1257)

  • Conflict with Sandhya:
    • Sandhya allied with the Chutiya king.
    • He occupied certain portions of Gauda and assumed the title Gaudeswara
    • Tughril Khan’s army was defeated by creating artificial floods, leading to his death.
  • Legacy: Sandhya moved the capital to Kamatapur, marking the emergence of the Kamata kingdom.

3. Political Developments in Kamata

3.1 Division of the Kingdom (1330)

  • Dharmanarayan vs. Durlabhnarayan: The kingdom was divided, with Durlabhnarayan ruling Kamatapur and Dharmanarayan retaining Rangpur and Mymensingh.
  • Cultural Flourishing: Durlabhnarayan became a great patron of literature, hosting poets like Harihar Vipra, Ram Saraswati, and Hema Saraswati.

3.2 Rise of Arimatta (1365–85)

  • Ambitious Bhuyan Leader: Arimatta overthrew King Indranarayan and established his rule over Kamata.
  • Successors: His lineage ruled until the mid-15th century, amidst growing instability.

4. The Khen Dynasty (15th Century)

  • Founding by Niladhvaj Khen: United Bhuyan forces to establish control over Kamata.
  • Notable Rulers:
    • Chakradhvaj Khen: Successfully defended against Bengal Sultan Barbak Shah.
    • Nilambar Khen: Expanded into Bengal but was defeated by Alauddin Hussain Shah (1498 AD).
  • Invasion by Hussain Shah:
    • Captured Kamata and annexed territories up to Hajo.
    • Appointed his son, Daniel, as ruler, marking the first Muslim rule in Assam.

5. End of Khen Dynasty and Muslim Rule

  • Bhuyans’ Rebellion: United Bhuyan forces overthrew Daniel, ending Muslim rule in Kamata.
  • Transition: The region fell under Bhuyan control until the rise of the Koch dynasty in 1515 AD.

6. Cultural Contributions

  • Poets and Scholars:
    • Hema Saraswati: Prahlad Charit and Hara-Gauri-Sambad.
    • Ram Saraswati: Jayadratha Vadha.
    • Harihar Vipra: Babrubahanar Yudha, Lava-Kushar Yudha.
  • Religious Sites: Ghiyasuddin built a mosque at Hajo, now known as Poa-Mecca.

FAQ about Medieval Assam History

1. What led to the decline of the Pala Dynasty in Assam?

  • The Pala Dynasty fell in the 12th century, leading to the rise of the Bhuyans, who were local revenue officials.

2. Who were the Bhuyans and what role did they play in Assam’s history?

  • The Bhuyans were former revenue assessors who gained political power and ruled as local kings after the decline of the Palas.

3. What were the major invasions in Assam during the medieval period?

  • Key invasions included Bakhtiyar Khalji’s failed campaign (1205), Ghiyasuddin Iwaz Khalji’s invasion (1227), and Tughril Khan’s defeat (1257).

4. What was the Kamata Kingdom and its significance?

  • The Kamata Kingdom, founded by Sandhya in the 13th century, became a major political and cultural center in Assam.

5. How did the Khen Dynasty impact Assam’s history?

  • The Khen Dynasty, established by Niladhvaj Khen in the 15th century, briefly united the Bhuyans but fell after facing invasions, including one by Sultan Alauddin Hussain Shah in 1498.

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